Thursday, June 9, 2011

the dream part 1

I should be quick, the juice on this laptop is dying and I am to lazy to run to the other room to get it. It's been a pretty much mellow holiday. I can't believe I am not going insane staying at home not meeting anyone. To be honest, I am actually really contented that I don't have to meet people because I like time to myself. Feels like I haven't had one of those "me-time" in awhile what with Uni and everything else. Its already June and that means I have roughly around 8 months till a life of new faces,unwashed jeans , part-time jobs, getting lost in a new place, being broke to the point I can't afford food,taking pictures,backpacks, sun, rain, sea, chilly weather, boarding flights,trains, reading maps and all the great as well as bad things associated to travelling.

I've made up my mind, 2012 will be my travelling year. It's about time right?

I thought I should be brave and come out and just say what I want, which is to travel. This heart wants to wonder into places she has only seen in movies and read in books in person. This heart wants to "stand up to live so she can write about life" to quote one of her idol,Yasmin Ahmad.

Since I am really good at giving up because I am too scared to even try, I want to begin my journey here. Which is admitting.


I know it will be hard, so that is why I think through writing about the difficulties and progress,it will keep me motivated, inspired, reminded and determine on what I want.Maybe I can look back and go through my posts and go "woah girl, that all went down and you are still alive and kicking it?the highest of five and self loving moment right about now" during those times of self-doubting and anxiousness.
So I thought it would be neat if I title them under one title only in different parts.People might laugh and snort at my childishness and wishful thinking, but sod it, this is how I roll.Maybe I am crazy to be sharing too much, but I figured writing it out here really put my mind at ease.

"This passed few weeks I've been checking the the visa procedures and read all them through with a heavy sigh at the end of it. There is a lot to be done. Money and documents to be prepared. Forms to be filled. In my head was this voice "Can you do this? this looks difficult", followed by heavier sighs and fidgeting. But one skpe call from the sister, all anxiety and fears were put to rest. The mind is back on track!Insyallah, have faith and dream big!"

so that is what I am going to constantly chant to myself when I feel demotivated, Have faith and dream big!

Until next progress,or thought

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