Tuesday, November 30, 2010

one thing

ive always wished that i have a musical bone in me. dont get me wrong, i am a devoted fan to all sort of music but sadly i am not musically gifted. if you know me well, i love to bell out to my fav tunes but i pretty much sound like a cat got its tail step on. suffice to say, i am tone deft baby but i love to sing (just not in public). since i cant sing, this means i cant write songs when most of the time i feel like i am writing lyrics instead of stories. well in a way it is, but they usually leans towards a more poetic touch (well,i like to think they do :D)

something happen yesterday and i dont want to tell you what is it because its too personal that involve the lives of people i wish not to harm through here openly because i can even when im angry and at that time wanted to inflict so much pain to them. But that's the thing, we are given this opportunity to be heard through this various technologies and i am sadden by the abuse of this mediums by some people. before i get into this long winded topic i best do what i came here for, that is to write share a short verse from yesterday. i dont know if i should say enjoy because they aren't that witty or genius.

just words from an angry 19 year old to her peers.

i dont want to tell you about it
i rather you hear me sing the words
words that are meant to hurt

you see,
my mouth feels dry,
from all the shouting to start back from the beginning,
to start back from where it all went wrong,
(where did I went wrong?)


was there even a beginning?
where did it start and when will it end?

i know you just came here to tell me all my faults
dont even try to tell me other wise

well then if i am right,
get back in line and and wait for you turn,
because i cant hear you through this noises.

yah thats how far i got.
now,im going back to watching modern family because its cracking me up so much.

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