Tuesday, September 14, 2010

i caught myself

For M.
"I should have never thought of you,i knew,i know in my heart is not you,i knew"

she feels like crying but her tears doesnt seem to want to be release themselves from her tear duct.

"Let go will you, there is no way it will work out.you two are from two different worlds. would you sacrfice
yourself for the likes of him? would he do the same? would he put aside his beliefs just to hold your hand
with the rest of the world as an audience?i doubt that"
her insides split into two and walked away from her body as two different person and went at each
other with fist and hammer towards each other.she cant stop them because there is no her to make the move. it is
like she's a lifeless doll waiting for those two charges to set her to live again.

where is he when all this is going down?
where is he when things are falling apart?
where is he when she can't seem to see straight anymore?

at that moment she let out a feral scream fill with anguish and rage the two stop quarelling and disappear into
thin air. then she blacked out from the pain...

1 comment:

eMMe said...

thank u so much irah T-T
theres just so much in my head. i dont even know how to say it out cos its all jumbled up. the confusion and everything...
u always have the words to describe it perfectly. :)
shite, i hate this.