Wednesday, January 20, 2010

geek talk,can you handle it??

that is in Carpathian

not many folks know this but i love fantasy books.
you know, the whole book where they have their own ancient language mixing it with contemporary times setting just makes me want to jump into the book and never leave those characters even during a deadly war!
especially if there is a weave of magic running through the plot, which totally enthralls my imagination!
granted, MOST of them have the element of romance in it, but there was this one book i've read during form5 that looks intimidating with its thick volume and quite frankly not capturing cover comparing with other books among its genre.
then, as i was reading the book, ive just realize that there is no in depth heated scenes!
i thought to myself, this is going to be hard to stomach down since i have the 2nd book stacked nicely on my desk waiting to be read.

so ive just muddled through but was hit by a wave of excitement as the plot thickens!
needless to say,i've read all 3 volumes with as much vigor as ive read harry potter.

last week*YES DURING EXAM WEEK*, i couldnt resist the book hanis gave me and devour it instantly. it was a book about carpathian people with language and history incerpt in it!!!!!

you betchaa i've memorized a few words, im a geek,i know.
hey, do you know it is not made up?? they are real, the people aand language. pretty amazing huh. but, i think my favourite would always be learning Gealic.

the point is, im always in search for new books, especially fantasy/paranormal,keep me posted on that if you can.

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