Tuesday, July 6, 2010

you give me nothing

How do we keep convincing ourselves that some people are different is beyond me! When they end up disappointing you in the end by being just like every other knuckle headed, stereotypical mind fucker you’ve been dealing with all your life. I don’t know what compelled me to think that you are any different than the others made me feel like a total douche-bag. please open you eyes for i am tired to see the world for you, my eyes are bloodshot and strained from all the filth you've made me watch. i'm just about as ready as i can be to leave everything i have so i can distance myself from the likes of you. when will you learn that conventional and normal is the best combination for a life full of disappointments? after a millionth heart-break i guess...then so be it!because i am not the fool this time around.

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